Sunday, April 12, 2009

Orange/White - "Texas Fight!!"

At the beginning of the month packed up the mini van and made the 4 hour trek to Austin to watch the Longhorn spring scrimmage. Travis has been wanting to see another Texas football game since we took him the UT/Mizzu game last fall. Travis even got to meet Bevo before the game.
Thank heaven dad has copies of all the games on DVD. It will have to carry us through the looonnnnggg summer void of college football. How did Mason like the game you ask? He loved it as mom and dad didn't make him go and he was able to stay home with the house to himself. He was so thankful that he even cleaned the house and did the yard. Thanks Mason!

Following the Spring Game, Dad had the priviledge of introducing Quan Cosby to the Dallas Lunch Bunch. If there is a player who embodies what Mack Brown is trying to achieve at TEXAS both on and off the field, it is Quan Cosby. Just an outstanding young man and we'll be watching closely to see where he goes in the NFL draft at the end of April.

16 Already

Well, Mason is now 16. How the time flies. I remember like it was yesterday (yet a lifetime ago) when he was such a tiny baby curled up in the Lazy Boy recliner with me. Where did the time go?
As parents there have been many years of pride, joy, accomplishments, tears, frustrations and worries. We've watched him grow from baby to boy to teenager. Along the way there have been tears of sadness, tears of joy, moments of great fustration and moments of heart pounding pride. I know we have raised a fine young man and we're lucky to have him as our son, and Travis is thrilled to label him "World's Best Big Brother". Happy birthday Mason.

Kids find another friend

Kids find another friend

Kids with Mickey

Kids with Mickey
Fun started at the hotel