Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today was a day of milestones for the Wright family.

This morning our little soccer player Travis had his 4th game of the season. The Fightin' Frogs team got out there and hustled while Travis once again chased them around the field. "Will he ever get the concept of soccer" I wonder as I watch him half heartedly trot down the field, head bobbing from side to side. Well at least he is staying ON THE FIELD this season and somewhat following the ball. And no more hanging from the goal posts in the middle of a game. Now if we could just keep him from striking up conversations from the opposing team's coach and parents. Yes, we have had to remind him that there is a game going on and this is not time for idle chit chat. Ok mom. Here we go. "Your kick, Travis" Coach Box hollars from the sideline. Ok, maybe Travis does hear us hollering at him as he smiles big and takes his kick. Anyway to the milestone. Fourth quarter and Travis is in. There is an opening and Travis sees the ball. It is wide open and in front of the goal. The lightbulb goes on. He runs. He shoots. He scores. FOR THE OTHER TEAM!!!! Oh well. When we told him he would get a trip to Going Bonkers for a goal we never did specify which goal he had to make. Way to go Travis for your first goal as a Fightin' Frog.

The next milestone is for my Mason. My little boy is growing up so fast. Tonight is his first Homecoming dance. Last week dad went out and bought Mason his first Italian suit taylored to fit. Boy does he look sharp. After a little drama and some flip flopping it was decided that a group of them would meet at GoGo Burger before heading to the dance. "A burger joint before a formal dance?" I wonder. As I drive away I think, "He better not get ketchup on that suit."


kara said...

Both the boys look GREAT!

David said...

Way to go Travis. (This goal, that goal, details, details.)

Kent and TerriLyn said...

Reagan wants to play soccer with you, Travis! Good job!
Mason, you look mau-velous! Hope you had fun.

Valerie Chandler said...

Hey, how fun to find you here. Wow, your boys have grown so much and are soooo handsome!

This blog makes me happy. It is so great how these help us stay in touch.

Love to you---

Jayson said...

there are better ways to freeze a moment in time besides letting your blog sit idle my friend. lol, nu'tin but love Michelle. ;)

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